Energy-optimized extraction from tectyl systems.
Car dealer Per B in Silkeborg has established a new tectyl system for undercarriage treatment in collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions, as an energy-efficient extraction system was to be chosen.

»Drying and extraction are the two major energy-intensive processes in our tectyl plant. Therefore, energy consumption was an important factor when we had to choose a new technical solution for extraction,« says Per Riemenschneider, workshop manager at Per B.
»Our supplier of the extraction system gave us the choice between a cheap system or a more energy efficient extraction system. If we chose the most energy efficient plant, we could apply for subsidies due to the energy savings. When we became aware of this possibility, we contacted Nordic Green Solutions for help in obtaining a subsidy by selling the energy savings from the extraction plant.,« says Per Riemenschneider.
»Nordic Green Solutions has provided very professional advice and been very fast and efficient throughout the process. We could not have handled the process of obtaining grants ourselves, so the collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions has been an important part of the establishment of our new tectyl plant. Now we have both the most energy-efficient extraction system and at the same time a subsidy for the establishment. That way, we also have a very reasonable payback period,« says Per Riemenschneider.
»It has been a pleasure working with Nordic Green Solutions, and we have not actually spent much time on that part of the process, which is important when you are busy with other tasks in everyday life. If we are to invest in new energy-consuming plants in the future, we will take up Nordic Green Solutions again,« says Per Riemenschneider, which has also recommended Nordic Green Solutions to other companies.