Energistyring Energioptimering Engineering

Energy consulting

Every day, we are consuming energy. But do you know how? Production facilities, ventilation, lights and other technical installations. For sure, the list is longer. Are you in doubt about where to begin? Start by calling us.

Energy mapping

Do you want an overview of your company’s energy conditions, and how you can save energy? Then an energy mapping is a right place to start.

Energy optimisation

You think about the bottom line. We think about the bottom line. Everybody is thinking about the bottom line. Doing something actively to streamline and reduce how much energy you spend will positively affect your bottom line and competitive position.

Energy audit

With the mandatory energy audit, you are doing something good for your business by uncovering your energy consumption and getting an overview of where you can save resources. It’s not only good for your business. It’s good for all of us.


Energy management

Energy management is an investment in the environment and your bottom line—a green business is a profitable business. With efficient energy management, you ensure that you continuously and systematically optimize your energy consumption.