High schools strengthens green profile with heat pumps
Espergærde Gymnasium has achieved a CO2 reduction and a large financial subsidy by switching from gas boilers to heat pumps – with help from Nordic Green Solutions.

The heating of Espergærde Gymnasium’s 10,200 square meters and the high school’s hot water has previously taken place with gas boilers. But today, heat pumps are responsible for those tasks, and this has led to a significant reduction in both energy consumption and the high school’s CO2 emissions..
When the high school had received an offer from a supplier of heat pumps, Nordic Green Solutions was asked to check the energy and financial preconditions for the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps.
»Nordic Green Solutions’ calculations confirmed that it was a good decision and investment, and the large energy savings are the prerequisite for the subsidy provided for our investment.,« says Henrik Arbo-Bæhr.
»We have received professional service from Nordic Green Solutions. In addition to the process of calculating the project’s energy preconditions, they have solved the task of applying on our behalf for a grant for the investment in heat pumps. This has taken place completely as agreed, and the calculations here, after a good year of operating the heat pumps, have proved to be accurate. So we are very pleased with the result and happy that we have strengthened the school’s green profile,« says Henrik Arbo-Bæhr.
»We have a desire to constantly strengthen our green profile, among other things by reducing our CO2 emissions, and with heat pumps as a replacement for gas boilers, we have achieved an annual energy saving of 712,000 kWh in addition to a CO2 reduction,« says viceprincipal Henrik Arbo-Bæhr.