Background for the project
Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabrik A/S is a family owned company from 1962, which produces wooden packaging, i.a. pallets and special packaging. The company have had a good cooperation with Nordic Green Solutions in regards to multiple energy-saving projects. Therefore, they also chose to address NGS’ advisory team, as the production drying rooms had to be energy optimized.
Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabrik has a large heating consumption, which mainly goes to drying wood in the drying rooms. The company have received retrofitted heat recovery and frequency-controlled fans in the drying rooms to reduce energy consumption,
Virksomheden har fået eftermonteret varmegenvinding og frekvensstyret ventilatorer i tørrestuerne for at reducere energiforbruget, but in order to further optimize their use of energy, the company wanted to investigate the optimization potential by establishing a stop & go function in the drying rooms.

”The collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions has worked really well. They have calculated what we could save on optimizing the energy of our drying rooms, which gave us a good basis for decision-making. At the same time, they have made sure to apply for funding, which has helped to promote the process. In particular, the documentation in connection with applying for a grant was not something we could have taken care of ourselves.”
– Dann Handberg Madsen, CEO, Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabrik A/S
The Project
Nordic Green Solutions calculated the energy-saving by implementing a stop & go function in 3 of Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabriks existing drying rooms. The stop & go-function is primarily a further development of frequency control. This means that additional sensors are being added, this provides the possibility to stop the fans and heating in the drying rooms repeatedly throughout a drying cycle. This provides a saving on heating as well as a saving on electricity for the fans.
The primary purpose with a stop & go-funktion is to reduce the time, the fans for air exchange and pumps are running. The actual drying time – this means the time, it takes to dry the wood to the wanted humidity – is the same as in the before-situation.
Based on the project have Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabrik been able to reduce their energy consumption yearly by 505.683 kWh. At the same time Nordic Green Solutions made sure to apply for subsidy for the energy-saving project from Energistyrelsens erhvervspulje, from where the company reveived close to 40 % of their investement.
In addition to the financial gain from the project, Dann Handberg Madsen, Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabriks CEO. points out that the energyoptimization have resulted in a quality improvement of the dried wood, as the company can better control the drying process with the new stop & go-function.
The Projects Results
- Financial savings on heat and electricity consumption for drying rooms
- Improvement of the woods quality after the drying process
- Reduction of CO2-emissions