


Energy optimization of lighting systems

Haarslev is an international company that produces machinery for recycling by-products from the meat industry. At the company’s factory and headquarters in Hårslev on the island of Fyn, it was acknowledged that the old lighting system was outdated, posing challenges in terms of occupational health and safety requirements and energy consumption. The need to optimize the lighting system for energy efficiency initiated a project collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions.

Haarslev energy optimization of lighting systems

“We have greatly benefited from being able to draw on Nordic Green Solutions’ many years of experience with energy-saving projects. They have been good at uncovering the project, explaining the process to us, and creating transparency. This makes it easy for us, as we are involved in the project for the first time. Therefore, we are also looking forward to continuing the collaboration on a new energy-saving project.”

Niels Holstein, Facility Manager, Haarslev

The Project

The old lighting system consisted of a mixture of different fluorescent tubes with varying efficiency. Since the system was outdated, it no longer provided satisfactory lighting in the production halls and, at the same time, had a high energy consumption.

Nordic Green Solutions’ review of the system and calculations showed that Haarslev could achieve significant energy savings by replacing all fixtures with new fixtures using LED light sources. Additionally, Haarslev had not installed control on the old lighting system, so installing PIR sensors could further reduce energy consumption.

With the assistance of Nordic Green Solutions, Haarslev applied for a grant for the energy-saving project from Energistyrelsens erhvervspulje. The grant amounted to nearly 20% of the investment in the new lighting system, which, according to Niels Holstein, Facility Manager at Haarslev, meant that the project had a good payback period and could thus be pushed forward.

Haarslev proceeded with the implementation of the energy optimization project, which overall could reduce the company’s annual energy consumption by over 900,000 kWh.

The reduced energy consumption has resulted in significant cost savings for Haarslev, but it has also meant that the company has improved working conditions with better lighting in offices and production halls. At the same time, the project has been an important element in Haarslev’s green strategy, where the ambition is to become a CO2-neutral company by 2030. The lighting project has reduced the company’s emissions by 5.59 tons of CO2 annually and has, according to Niels Holstein, been a successful pilot project on the company’s green journey.

Project results

  • Annual energy savings of over 900,000 kWh
  • Reduced CO2-emissions from electricity by 5.59 tons CO2
  • Grant from Energistyrelsens erhvervspulje on nearly 20 % of the investment
  • Improved working environment
  • Reduced unncesessary consumption from lighting using sensors

Would you also like to save on energy expenses and achieve a greener operation?

It is costly to use unnecessary energy – both for the climate and your company’s finances. Read more about how we can help you conduct an independent assessment of your company’s optimization potential.

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