Hotel Viking – Aqua Spa & Wellness, located on the outskirts of Sæby, advises over 72 rooms, indoor and outdoor facilities as well as a large spa and saltwater pool.
Switching to LED, utilization of energy in exhaust air and the possibility of shutting off the heat in the room wings are just some of the measures that can potentially give Hotel Viking a total energy saving of 107,000 kWh / year, which corresponds to a reduction in their total energy consumption of 13%.
Through the collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions, Hotel Viking have had their relevant energy-saving solutions mapped out and gained knowledge of the climate aspects of the company’s activities. By focusing on environmentally friendly solutions Hotel Viking has made an investment that will undoubtedly pay off, as they can reduce both energy consumption and their use of resources.
Hotel Viking has Denmark’s second largest spa and wellness area of 2,700 m2. With the rising energy prices and greater focus on creating sustainable companies, Hotel Viking has not hesitated to be part of this development. The biggest driving force behind having an energy inspection carried out was the desire of Hotel Viking to become environmentally certified. After researching which companies could offer this, the choice fell on Nordic Green Solutions.
“Primarily, it seemed that energy screening was bigger at NGS than the other companies I looked at. When I then contacted NGS, they also told me about the possibility of having a climate account made, which was certainly also relevant to us,” says Maria Guldhammer.
Maria Guldhammer goes on to tell how the climate accounts have been of great relevance to the company and their employees, as it has provided a greater understanding of what energy is used for, what it costs and what it consists of. With the preparation of the climate account, Hotel Viking is at the forefront of the requirements that exist from both climate-conscious customers and the future legislation that stipulates that companies must be able to report their CO2 emissions.
Through the energy screening, the energy consumption has been mapped and analyzed in order to find the most profitable energy savings for Hotel Viking.

Hotel Viking describes the collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions as being very professional and with a good understanding of what Hotel Viking was in the need of.
“We met with NGS one day and talked about all the points that could be associated with being environmentally certified, as well as going through what the energy screening would require. It was clear they had a clear understanding of what we were interested in and needed. for, “says Maria Guldhammer.