Large energy savings in buildings
Nordmark has collaborated with Nordic Green Solutions since 2010 on several energy saving projects – most recently with energy optimization of a new production hall.
Nordmark are specialists in machining large steel workpieces and CNC milling. The company manufactures, among other things, large steel blanks for the wind turbine industry.

The latest collaboration between Nordmark and Nordic Green Solutions is based on a new production hall in Sæby, where new process ventilation, air curtains at gates, new energy-optimized heating, new light installation (LED) and a new compressed air compressor have been installed.
»With the help of Nordic Green Solutions, we have received a grant to change our lighting, even though it was only six years old. With new LED technology, it provides a good payback time when you have as many operating hours as we have. Nordic Green Solutions knows the new energy technologies and can make the calculations in the right way, «says Michael Jacobsen, production manager at Nordmark.
»We also like their business model. Only projects that both parties get something out of are made, and that ensures a good collaboration,« he continues.
In addition to the grants for investments they receive, Nordmark will benefit from the energy savings from day 1.
»With new, energy-optimal solutions, we get the profit immediately, so we save on our operating expenses every month. In our old building we had heating costs of DKK 700,000 annually. Now we have a new and larger building, where the heating cost has come down to DKK 250,000. This means a lot to our economy, « says Michael Jacobsen, who has recommended Nordic Green Solutions to several other companies.
»The work that Nordic Green Solutions performs for us, we have neither the time nor the competence to perform ourselves. If they did not help us, it is not certain we would have received funding for all our projects, and then they might not have come to anything. So for us, it is very important to have a professional partner with an understanding of energy subsidies, “says Michael Jacobsen, production manager at Nordmark.