ISO 9001
Nordic Green Solutions is certified according to ISO 9001. As a customer, you always know that our services live up to the strictest standards.

Ongoing quality assessment
It does not matter what type of assignment we solve; it needs to live up to all governmental requirements. That said, additionally, we enforce strict internal guidelines, ensuring that all customers get what they expect. All assignments are co-signed by an approved and experienced colleague.
Internal quality goals
It is Nordic Green Solutions’ goal to:
- deliver solutions to meet our customer’s expectations
- contribute to our customer’s growth and reputation
- create sustainable changes
- see all our customers from a holistic point of view
- meet our surroundings with commitment and enthusiasm
- insist on having a collaborative working relationship with our customers and partners
- comply with applicable regulatory requirements
Med andre ord: vi ønsker at skabe reel værdi for kunderne – ikke kun rapporter.
We measure our own advice
We are only doing well when our customers are doing well. We are, therefore, continually measuring customer satisfaction. We prefer an honest answer to no answer. Our measurements are based on customer feedback: did we meet your expectations?
Quality qoals 2022
Customer satisfaction without concrete goals is a no-go. Every year, we set specific goals for customer satisfaction. In 2022 the objectives are: