Read how we have helped companies go from green to greener.

Ardagh Glass Holmegaard
By joining the EFO scheme, Ardagh Glass Holmegaard saves over 800,000 DKK on surplus heat taxes.

LH Hockerup A/S
Et klimaregnskab har givet LH Hockerup konkrete værktøjer, som gavner klimaaftrykket og også giver en økonomisk gevinst på længere sigt.

Hydrema Produktion
Two new gas boilers have given Hydrema Produktion A / S greater operational reliability and at the same time reduced energy consumption.

Aabenraa Frysehus
Refrigeration and freezing processes are energy-intensive, but at Aabenraa Frysehus, an old condenser without an automatic venting system resulted in an unnecessarily high electricity consumption for the compressors.

Feldborg Savværk & Pallefabrik
Feldborg Savværk and Pallefabrik has a large consumption of heat, which mainly goes to drying wood in the drying rooms. As part of saving energy, the drying rooms have been implemented with a stop & go function.

Hotel Viking – Aqua Spa & Wellness
Hotel Viking has Denmark’s second largest spa and wellness area of 2,700 m2, and with rising energy prices and a greater focus on creating sustainable companies, Hotel Viking has not hesitated to be part of this development.

HAI Horsens
In collaboration with Nordic Green Solutions, the company HAI Horsens A/S has completed many energy saving projects, including energy optimization of glassblowing equipment and ventilation systems.

Ib Andresen Industry
Following an energy audit, the steel company Ib Andresen Industri is now launching a project with conversion from gas to heat pumps that can utilize green electricity – with help from Nordic Green Solutions

Dansk Træemballage
With energy management and targeted energy optimization, Dansk Træemballage strengthens their green profile.

KSN Industri
Nordic Green Solutions conducted a targeted screening, which created an overview of the savings and grant opportunities

ABC Lavpris
By utilizing the refrigeration system’s surplus heat, ABC Lavpris has displaced the entire purchase of district heating for the store. At the same time, they can sell the remaining surplus heat to district heating.

Nordisk Perlite
Surplus heat is used as district heating.

Titan Wind
Replacing gas boilers can pay off quickly

Bilforhandler Per B
Energy-optimized extraction from tectyl systems.

Chicken producer Jesper Clausen
Establishment of heat recovery on ventilation air in two chicken coops

Farmer Ole Nannerup
Cheaper fuel and increased animal welfare.

Farmer Søren Øllgaard Holm
Heat production with own fuel.

Farmer Mads Niær Kristensen
Less energy consumption and better indoor climate in pig stables.

Farmer Jens Bach Olesen
Easier everyday life with a new heat pump.

Farmer Hans Nicolaj Bønløkke
Geothermal heat and heat pump free up working time.

Establishment of intelligent cover in weaning stables.

Green ship of the future
Extensive retrofit project focuses on energy efficiency of ships using existing technology.

Gartneriet Lammehave
Conversion from oil and coal to heat pumps and gas boiler.

Frederiksberg Forsyning
Frederiksberg Forsyning A / S must deliver 25 GWh of documented energy savings every year. An agreement with Nordic Green Solutions ensures a very large part of the savings.

Ribe Fjernvarme
Ribe Fjernvarme must realize 2,600 MWh savings annually, and this is done through an agreement with Nordic Green Solutions and the online system Energy Economy, which eases the administrative burden considerably.

Vorbasse Fritidscenter
The energy savings in Vorbasse Fritidscenter include conversion to heat pumps and heat recovery from the leisure centre’s swimming pool

Espergærde gymnasium
Espergærde Gymnasium has achieved a CO2 reduction and a large financial subsidy by switching from gas boilers to heat pumps – with help from Nordic Green Solutions.